
Yoga Teacher Training Course Singapore

Yoga Teacher Training Course Singapore

Seek. Preach. Teach. Become a Yoga Teacher yourself!

Looking around to explore, learn and experience the potential of being a yoga trainer? MindBodySymphony brings to you a 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC), one of the most promising and inspiring platform based yoga teacher training Singapore, which is influenced by many relevant authentic teachings from the Yogic Scriptures. It has the essence of traditions but also with the understanding of the modern age limitations.

Learning is a never-ending cycle but to be able to teach is a blessing in itself. Hence there is a reason why we all love to follow traditions. We seek to be the best from the experts. That’s how a truly strong community is born. In today’s world, our lifestyle keeps changing, which is why it is important to inculcate certain practices of yoga, evolve in it and try to make the community the best.

It’s our sole responsibility to help you understand its depth, the value of Yoga in our lives. Be a yoga teacher beyond just an expert, more of a brand yourself, the most approachable person, the flag bearer of yoga in your community or your locality. For becoming a yoga trainer teacher, one must alsorealise thatIt is a thoughtful inward journey.

Why should one get training personally froman expertfor becoming a Yoga Teacher?

  • It also demands a set of practical yoga skills aligned with proper body awareness so that you avoid any possible injuries.
  • These trainers have explored their bodies while learning and they can guide you on enhancing your bodily core strengths and develop the weaker ones. These trainers will help you explore new things in and out about your body.
  • You’ll discover the core strength of your body and mind. Trainers will test you with your postures and mental discipline.
  • They will train your ability to focus and communicate properly in front of your students. You will confident to brand yourself as a complete yoga training teacher out in the world.
  • You’ll enjoy the scope of networking with the right people by seeking this training course.
  • You’ll be able to master all the Asanas and many Yoga Sutras.

As difficult it is to learn yoga, it is even more challenging to be an expert, be a master to teach others who seek the same. To be master yourself, one must know the years of hardships it demands, the principles, the wisdom behind it. One must ace the art to be able to feel approachable enough. Just like learning any other subjects like music, martial arts, science, literature etc., Yoga is also an art of living! Yoga teaches us a prominent way of seeing life as a whole. Yoga influences us in developing a positive impact in our lives, empower ourselves to the core, elevate our senses, improve health, develop mindfulness and imbibe happiness within us.

YOGA TEACHER'S TRAINING: Stay fit and inspire many for a healthy lifestyle
Its time you turn your one such passion into a world-class rewarding profession with the training program around -

We recommend you to kindly review the entire syllabus that we have designed to help you understand the course, what it entails, what is that you canexpect from it, pre-requisites, and many other details as mentioned in each section. Hence, considering each section, we will take you through a little of every section daily. Learn to the core to propel us forward further. It is our sheer pleasure to review this with you to its depth. Feel free to come up with your concerns, any queries via e-mail, phone, or in person.

Wish you all the best of luck. Hope you’ll explore, enjoy and cherish this journey with us.


Abha Bajaj ERYT 500, CIAYT
Program Director / Lead Teacher
Mind Body Symphony

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